MazeGroup, the perfection is our key.

Since 2023, MazeGroup offers you impressive quality of service. MazeGroup is a full-stack web, software and programming language development organization. Founded by Genius_um and Rayanis55, the goal was to bring their projects together as an organization.


MazeGroup Wiki Announcement

Our projects

Twist Welcome in 2007 Twist is a social network with the aim of being in a retro style, it offers the same functionality as a social network today.
TronCore TronCore, a high-level virtual machine write in Python.
Shaft The futur of programming, a modern language Shaft is a powerful programming langage used in UI design, web SaaS, data science and more.
MazeProtect A tiny powerful folder scanner MazeProtect will scan your folder selected and give to you the result with a lot of information for every files it scanned.
PBR A basical interpreted turing language made in Python
MazeGroup Wiki An encyclopedia to define us The french wiki for learn more about MazeGroup and all of our projects.
PyPowered Learn easely Python Here you can learn this high-level programming language by reading our complete courses.
Modrinth Project Our modrinth project You can find our plugin and mod pack projects here!
OBL Simple high-level stacks programming langage in Python OBL is a langage from a concept of blocs and sections structure. Its methods are very few and therefore it is difficult to make complex programs in this language, which is also why it is said to be a high-level but difficult language.
Jygo Jygo is a Python general library who works with packages
The Pimo Programming Language A safe and maintainable compiled programming language. Designed for MazeGroup's servers and development.
Archive register The MazeGroup Archive Register Here is all the archives of projects, ideas and research belonging to MazeGroup. Everything is indexed.
Morass Great design, great opportunities Morass is a lightweight CSS library developped by MazeGroup. This library is used for many MazeGroup pages.
Twist API The API of the social network Twist With this API you can make your own GUI for Twist, check stats and more. It's in Python, it's light and it's simply to use.
Omnilens Our image editing software Omnilens can render your image more better. Import your effects on your projects and cook it !

Our team

Genius_um Fondator, developper and designer of MazeGroup I'm a young developper fullstack seeking to make more and more innovative projects. I'm also UI Designer, video editor, streamer and youtuber. Since 2017, the code is more than a passion, it's become my life style. I founded my organization MazeGroup with Rayanis55 in 2022 for host all our projects.


Rayanis55 Fondator and developper of MazeGroup Hey my name is Yanis
I am a full-stack web developer and designer !
